Social Network Analysis of Giardiasis Positive Calves to those of Healthy One

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  • Deniz Alıç Ural Assoc. Prof. Dr.
  • Kerem Ural Prof. Dr.
  • Songul Erdogan Assoc. Prof. Dr.
  • Adnan Ayan Assoc. Prof. Dr.
  • Hasan Erdoğan Assoc. Prof. Dr.


calf, giardiasis, social networking


In the present multidisciplinary study, the researchers on a field trial performed a Social Network approach and a group of 9 calves (3 males/6 females) aged 10 to 16 weeks. A 24 hours digital camera was used for location registration (X-Y position) and interactions on each calf, both individually and collectively. Based on the simple methodology nearest neighbor matrix positive and negative associations were analyzed. The field study lasted 4 weeks and the maximum interaction day was chosen, when individual calf activity was high. To those of 9 calves solely no 2 was infected with giardiasis on the first week, whereas calves with no:2, 7, and 8 were also infected on the second week. No: 4 and 6 were also infected with a total of 5 calves on the third week. This was followed by the final 6 calves in total infected. During the observation period, both by investigators and camera records, infected calf 2 was in close contact with no: 8 (at morning observation) and a slight degree of contact with no: 3 and 4 which were detected with giardiasis on the third and fourt weeks, respectively. Due to close contact with no: 8, infection was determined on the second week, earlier than others (except no: 7). Calves with no: 1 and 5 were never infected nor determined by PCR, fecal smear, or rapid diagnostic test kits throughout the study. In conclusion, the present authors suggested that social networking might be an important predisposing factor for giardiasis infection among calves.


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How to Cite

Alıç Ural, D., Ural, K., Erdogan, S. ., Ayan, A., & Erdoğan, H. (2022). Social Network Analysis of Giardiasis Positive Calves to those of Healthy One. International Journal of Veterinary and Animal Research (IJVAR), 5(3), 113–116. Retrieved from



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